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ENABLE: | Natural Artisanal Incense Refill

Regular price $26.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $26.00 SGD
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ENABLE: uses natural aromatic wood, herbs, honey, and plant pollen, with a commitment of not using any essential oils/fragrances, dyes, accelerants, chemical adhesives.

It presents the natural fragrance of the materials directly through the warmth of artisan hands. It has a simple packaging, emphasising on safe, animal-friendly, and reassuring scents.



Vol.1: Sandalwood | Honey

Vol.2: Agarwood | Camphor | Clove

Vol.3: Cedar | Mint

Vol.4: Cedar | Citronella

Vol.5: Sandalwood | Nard | Lavender|Costusroot

Vol.6: Sandalwood | Cedar | Apple Hydrosol 



  • 30 sticks

  • Each stick: 75mm in length, burns for 25 - 30 minutes



  • Gently ignite with the blue part of the flame

  • Avoid inhaling directly towards your nose or mouth. Best enjoyed from one foot. Use your hand to waft the smoke towards yourself to appreciate the rich layers.

  • The ingredients are aromatic wood so there might be smoke produced from burning. You can open windows for ventilation if needed.

  • Store in dry environment